base_plot <- cfb_ranks |>
dplyr::mutate(conf = factor(conf,
levels = c("SEC", "Independents", "Mountain West",
"Big 12","American", "Big Ten", "ACC"))) |>
ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(x = conf, y = cfp_rank, group = conf)) +
cfbplotR::geom_cfb_logos(ggplot2::aes(team = team_name),
width = 0.035,
position = ggplot2::position_jitter(width = 0,
height = 0.55,
seed = 124)) +
ggplot2::scale_y_reverse() +
ggthemes::theme_fivethirtyeight() +
title = "College Football Playoff Rankings: Common Non-Conference Opponents",
subtitle = "Shows the common non-conference opponents amongst the top-25 teams in the November 19 playoff rankings. \n",
caption = "Bless your chart | November 20, 2024 | data via",
x = "Playoff Ranking",
y = ""
) +
axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(face = "bold"),
axis.text.x.bottom = ggplot2::element_blank(), = ggplot2::element_text(face = "bold"), = ggplot2::element_line(), = ggplot2::element_blank(),
plot.title = ggtext::element_markdown()
) +
ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(position = "top")
text_plot <- base_plot +
geomtextpath::geom_textcurve(ggplot2::aes(x = 3, y = 11.8, xend = 5.8, yend = 1),
hjust = 0.4, color = "#154733", linetype = "dotted",
curvature = -0.35, size = 3.5, label = oregon_boise,
family = 'sans') +
geomtextpath::geom_textcurve(ggplot2::aes(x = 1.1, y = 10.2, xend = 6.9, yend = 17),
hjust = 0.4, color = "#000000", linetype = "dotted",
curvature = -0.2, size = 3.5, label = clem_uga,
family = 'sans') +
geomtextpath::geom_textcurve(ggplot2::aes(x = 1.1, y = 18.2, xend = 6.9, yend = 17),
hjust = 0.4, color = "#F56600", linetype = "dotted",
curvature = 0.4, size = 3.5, label = sc_clem,
family = 'sans') +
geomtextpath::geom_textcurve(ggplot2::aes(x = 4.1, y = 13.7, xend = 6.9, yend = 12.7),
hjust = 0.4, color = "#002E5D", linetype = "dotted",
curvature = -0.4, size = 3.5, label = smu_byu,
family = 'sans') +
geomtextpath::geom_textcurve(ggplot2::aes(x = 2.1, y = 6.1, xend = 5.1, yend = 18.8),
hjust = 0.4, color = "#C99700", linetype = "dotted",
curvature = -0.4, size = 3.5, label = nd_army,
family = 'sans') +
geomtextpath::geom_textcurve(ggplot2::aes(x = 2, y = 6.4, xend = 1.1, yend = 15),
hjust = 0.4, color = "#C99700", linetype = "dotted",
curvature = -0.2, size = 3.5, label = tam_nd,
family = 'sans') +
geom = "label",
x = 1,
y = 1.5,
label = sec_teams,
fill = "#22356B",
color = "#333333",
size = 3.5,
fontface = 'bold',
family = 'sans',
alpha = .3,
hjust = 0.5
) +
geom = "label",
x = 3,
y = 2.5,
label = "Boise State 29 \nUNLV 24 \nonly game between \nthese teams",
fill = "#FA4616",
color = "#333333",
size = 3.5,
fontface = 'bold',
family = 'sans',
alpha = .3,
hjust = 0.5
) +
geom = "label",
x = 4,
y = 18.5,
label = big_12_teams,
fill = "darkred",
color = "#333333",
size = 3.5,
fontface = 'bold',
family = 'sans',
alpha = .3,
hjust = 0.5
) +
geom = "label",
x = 5,
y = 4.5,
label = "Army vs Tulane \nDecember 6 \nConference Title Game",
fill = "red",
color = "#333333",
size = 3.5,
fontface = 'bold',
family = 'sans',
alpha = .3,
hjust = 0.5
) +
geom = "label",
x = 6,
y = 7.5,
label = big_ten_teams,
fill = "#0088CE",
color = "#333333",
size = 3.5,
fontface = 'bold',
family = 'sans',
alpha = .3,
hjust = 0.5
) +
geom = "label",
x = 7,
y = 2.5,
label = acc_teams,
fill = "#013CA6",
color = "#333333",
size = 3.5,
fontface = 'bold',
family = 'sans',
alpha = .3,
hjust = 0.5
w = 10.5,
h = 8.5,
dpi = 600,
type = 'cairo'