ref_logs <- readr::read_csv("")
# summary
refsum24 = ref_logs |>
dplyr::group_by(referee_name) |>
games = dplyr::n(),
trips = dplyr::n() - sum(dist_miles == 0),
rank = dplyr::first(ref_rank),
thrill_avg = mean(sort(thrill_score, # compute thrill avg
decreasing = TRUE)[1:min(50, dplyr::n())]),
total_miles = round(sum(dist_miles), 1),
avg_trip = round(total_miles / trips, 1),
trips_around_earth = round(total_miles / 24901, 2),
trips_to_moon = round(total_miles / 238900, 3),
venues = dplyr::n_distinct(venue),
cities = dplyr::n_distinct(location),
states = dplyr::n_distinct(state),
most_frequent_venue = names(which.max(table(venue))),
most_frequent_venue_count = max(table(venue)),
most_frequent_state = names(which.max(table(state))),
most_frequent_state_count = max(table(state)),
most_frequent_location_count = max(table(location))
) |>
ref_schedule <- function(ref_name) {
start <- as.Date("2023-11-01")
end <- as.Date("2024-04-30")
date_seq <- seq.Date(from = start, to = end, by = "1 day")
date_by_day <- data.frame(date = date_seq)
ref_dates <- ref_logs |>
dplyr::filter(referee_name == ref_name) |>
dplyr::full_join(date_by_day, by = "date") |>
start <- as.Date("2023-11-01")
end <- as.Date("2024-04-30")
date_seq <- seq.Date(from = start, to = end, by = "1 day")
date_by_day <- data.frame(date = date_seq)
ref_dates <- ref_logs |>
dplyr::filter(referee_name == ref_name) |>
dplyr::full_join(date_by_day, by = "date") |>
events <- ref_dates |>
pal_count <- ref_dates |>
# colors <- pals::brewer.blues(nrow(pal_count) - 1)
colors <- randomcoloR::randomColor((nrow(pal_count)-1), luminosity="light")
# add subtitle data
refsum24 |>
dplyr::filter(referee_name == ref_name) -> ref_name_sum
ref_subtitle <- paste0(
" Games",
" | ~",
round(ref_name_sum$total_miles, 0),
" Miles | ",
" Venues"
# function
from = start,
# start date
to = end,
# end date
special.days = events,
# days for each ref
special.col = colors,
# color of days worked by conference
legend.pos = "top",
# legend position
bg.col = "#f5f5f5",
# background color of entire calendar
low.col = "transparent",
# day off is just empty
mbg.col = "transparent",
# background color of whole calendar
col = "#333333",
# color of lines on calendar
lwd = 0.25,
# line width
lty = 1,
# line type = "bold", = "mono",
# font for entire calendar
text.size = 12,
title = paste0(ref_name, " 2023-24 Season Schedule"),
subtitle = ref_subtitle,
months.size = 12,
# size of month names
weeknames = c("M", "T", # abbreviate days of week
"W", "T", "F", "S", "S"),
weeknames.size = 8,# size of days of week
day.size = 4.5, # size of number on each day
orientation = "p", # orientation
) + ggplot2::theme(
legend.background = ggplot2::element_blank(),
legend.text = ggtext::element_markdown(size = 10, face = "bold"),
# hide the legend
plot.subtitle =
ggtext::element_markdown(size = 12, face = "bold")
) -> schedule_plot