library(cbbplotR)# notes from downloading the files from and then joining them# files <- list.files(pattern="*.xlsx")# obp_data <- data.frame()# for (file in files) {# data <- readxl::read_xlsx(file)# obp_data <- rbind(obp_data, data)# } # load in hr data# files <- list.files(pattern="*.xlsx")# hr_data <- data.frame()# for (file in files) {# data <- readxl::read_xlsx(file)# hr_data <- rbind(hr_data, data)# } # load in runs data # files <- list.files(pattern="*.xlsx")# run_data <- data.frame()# for (file in files) {# data <- readxl::read_xlsx(file)# run_data <- rbind(run_data, data)# } # combine all the data by year # hr_data |> # dplyr::group_by(Year) |> # dplyr::summarise(# hr_g = sum(G),# total_hr = sum(HR),# max_team = Team[which.max(HR)],# max_hr = max(HR),# hrs_per_game = mean(HR/G),# list_hr = list(rev(HR/G))# ) |> # dplyr::arrange(-hrs_per_game) -> hrpg # run_data |> # dplyr::group_by(Year) |> # dplyr::summarise(# run_g = sum(G),# total_runs = sum(R),# runs_per_game = mean(R/G)# ) |> # dplyr::arrange(-runs_per_game) -> runpg# obp_data |> # dplyr::group_by(Year) |> # dplyr::summarise(# obp_g = sum(G),# total_abs = sum(AB),# mean_obp = mean(PCT)# ) -> obp_pg# hitdata <- runpg |> # dplyr::left_join(hrpg, by = "Year") |> # dplyr::left_join(obp_pg, by = "Year") |> # dplyr::mutate(# ab_hr = total_abs/total_hr,# ) |> # dplyr::select(-list_hr)dingers <- readr::read_csv("dingers-24.csv")
xMR plot
dingers |> ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(x = Year, y = hrs_per_game,label =round(hrs_per_game, 2))) + ggplot2::geom_point(color ="#333333", size =3, shape =21) + ggplot2::geom_line(color ="#333333", linewidth =1) + ggplot2::geom_text(vjust =-2.25) + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks =seq(2014, 2024, 1)) + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(breaks =seq(0, 1.5, .25), limits =c(0, 1.25)) + ggQC::stat_QC(method ="XmR", color.qc_limits ="#b2182b", color.qc_center ="#2b83ba") + ggthemes::theme_fivethirtyeight() + ggplot2::labs(title ="College Baseball: Home Runs per game by season",subtitle ="Teams are hitting more and more home runs per game over the past decade.<br> \nChart shows variation using the <span style='color:#2b83ba'>average</span>, plus the <span style='color:#b2182b'>upper control and lower control</span> over this span of time.",x ="",y ="HRs per game",caption ="<br>Viz by Chris @dadgumboxscores & Bless your chart<br> \nData via through May 12, 2024 games" ) + ggplot2::theme(legend.position ="none", plot.title = ggtext::element_markdown(), plot.subtitle = ggtext::element_textbox_simple(),plot.caption = ggtext::element_markdown(),text= ggplot2::element_text(family="Arial"), panel.grid = ggplot2::element_blank() ) + ggplot2::annotate(geom ="label",x =2020,y =0.25,color ="#333333",fill ="#ffffbf",label ="COVID cancelled 2020 \nseason in March",size =3.25,fontface ='bold',alpha =0.3 ) -> dinger_xmr_plot ggplot2::ggsave("xmr_hrs.png", dinger_xmr_plot,w =9.5,h =8.5,dpi =300,type ='cairo')dinger_xmr_plot