# pull in the teams cfbfastR::cfbd_team_info(year =2023) -> teams# first we need to clean up the time zone data! teams_with_tz <- teams |> dplyr::mutate(timezone = dplyr::case_match(timezone, "America/Boise"~"America/Denver","America/Phoenix"~"America/Denver","America/Detroit"~"America/New_York","America/Kentucky/Louisville"~"America/New_York","America/Indiana/Indianapolis"~"America/New_York",.default = timezone )) |> dplyr::mutate(timezone = dplyr::case_match(school, "Hawai'i"~"Pacific/Honolulu","Rutgers"~"America/New_York","South Alabama"~"America/Chicago","UAB"~"America/Chicago","UNLV"~"America/Los_Angeles",.default = timezone))# ok now we need to update with the realignment changes # also account for independents (not perfect, but sigh)teams_realign <- teams_with_tz |> dplyr::mutate(conference = dplyr::case_match(school, "USC"~"Big Ten","UCLA"~"Big Ten","Colorado"~"Big 12","Oklahoma"~"SEC","Texas"~"SEC",.default = conference )) |> dplyr::mutate(conference = dplyr::if_else(school =="Notre Dame", "ACC", conference)) |> dplyr::filter(conference !="FBS Independents")# now we need to add the public and private types types <- readr::read_csv("school_types.csv")# combine the data to include the type (public or private)complete_teams <- dplyr::left_join(teams_realign, types, by ="school")
GT Athletic Theme
# gt theme from andrew https://gist.github.com/andreweatherman/3874a59a1f7b4af97e3699e4ece94579gt_theme_athletic <-function(gt_object, ...) { gt_object |># set table font gt::opt_table_font(font =list( gt::google_font('Spline Sans Mono'), gt::default_fonts() ),weight =500 ) |># set the column label font and style gt::tab_style(locations = gt::cells_column_labels(columns = gt::everything() ),style = gt::cell_text(font = gt::google_font('Work Sans'),weight =650,size = gt::px(14),transform ='uppercase', # column labels to uppercasealign ='left' ) ) |> gt::tab_style(locations = gt::cells_title('title'),style = gt::cell_text(font = gt::google_font('Work Sans'),weight =650 ) ) |> gt::tab_style(locations = gt::cells_title('subtitle'),style = gt::cell_text(font = gt::google_font('Work Sans'),weight =500 ) ) |># set think black column sep. gt::tab_style(style = gt::cell_borders(sides ='left', weight = gt::px(0.5), color ='black'),locations = gt::cells_body(# everything but the first columncolumns =c(-names(gt_object[['_data']])[1]) ) ) |># set thin dotted row sep. gt::tab_style(style = gt::cell_borders(sides ="top", color ='black', weight = gt::px(1.5), style ='dotted'),locations = gt::cells_body(rows = gt::everything() ) )|># left align cell text gt::cols_align(align ='left',columns = gt::everything() ) |> gt::tab_options(table.font.size =14,column_labels.border.bottom.width =2,column_labels.border.bottom.color ='black',column_labels.border.top.color ='white',row_group.border.bottom.color ='white',table.border.top.style ='none',table.border.bottom.style ='none',heading.border.bottom.style ='none',heading.align ='left',heading.title.font.size = gt::px(30),source_notes.border.lr.style ='none',source_notes.font.size =10 ) |># remove the border from the bottom cell gt::opt_css("tbody tr:last-child { border-bottom: 2px solid #ffffff00; } ",add =TRUE )}
GT table for tenures
# count members in each conference and time zones!complete_teams |> dplyr::group_by(conference) |> dplyr::summarize(members = dplyr::n(),time_zones = dplyr::n_distinct(timezone),states = dplyr::n_distinct(state),num_public =sum(type =="public"),num_private =sum(type =="private") ) -> conf_table# make the table conf_table |> dplyr::arrange(-members) |> dplyr::mutate(logo = conference) |> dplyr::select(logo, conference, members, num_public, num_private, states, time_zones) |> gt::gt() |> gt::cols_label(logo ="",conference ="Conference",members ="Schools",time_zones ="Time Zones",num_public ="Public",num_private ="Private", ) |> cfbplotR::gt_fmt_cfb_logo(columns =c("logo")) |> gt::tab_spanner(label ="Geography",columns =c(time_zones, states)) |> gt::tab_spanner(label ="Institution",columns =c(num_public, num_private)) |> gtExtras::gt_highlight_rows(rows =c(3),fill ="#ffdddd",bold_target_only =TRUE,target_col =c(num_private), ) |> gt::tab_header(title ="2024 Conference Composition as of August 1, 2023",subtitle ="Projects the composition of each conference at the start of the 2024 athletic season. Excludes part-time members for certain sports.") |> gt::tab_source_note(source_note ="Bless your chart | data via cfbfastR + ncaa.org") |># adjust font sizes gt::tab_options (source_notes.font.size = gt::px(10),table.font.size = gt::px(12),) |>gt_theme_athletic() -> conf_comp_tablegtExtras::gtsave_extra(conf_comp_table,"conf_comp.png",vwidth =825,vheight =825)conf_comp_table
2024 Conference Composition as of August 1, 2023
Projects the composition of each conference at the start of the 2024 athletic season. Excludes part-time members for certain sports.