034: Freshmen playing time


June 7, 2023

Make data

## example to fetch data from toRvik 
# bart_player_season(year = 2023, stat = 'advanced') %>% filter(min > 9.999999) %>% group_by(exp) %>% count %>% adorn_totals()
# manually build table after swapping years 

frosh_mins <- tibble::tribble(
) %>% mutate(pct = fr_min / non_fr_min)

Make GT Table with Bars

# make plot 
bar_tbl <- frosh_mins %>%
  gt() %>%
  cols_label(fr_min = "Freshmen",
             non_fr_min = "Total Players",
             pct = "") %>%
  gt_plt_bar(column = pct, 
             keep_column = FALSE,
             color = "#5B9BD5",
             scale_type = 'percent') %>%
   gt::fmt_number(columns = pct,
                 decimals = 2,
                 use_seps = FALSE) %>%
    title = "Freshmen Playing Time by Season",
    subtitle = md(
      "Shows number  and percentage of freshmen with least 10% of minutes played by season."
  ) %>%
  tab_source_note(source_note = "@dadgumboxscores | data via barttorvik.com + toRvik")  %>%
  # adjust font sizes
  tab_options (source_notes.font.size = px(10),
               table.font.size = px(12),
  ) %>%

gtsave(bar_tbl, 'bar_tbl.png')

Freshmen Playing Time by Season
Shows number and percentage of freshmen with least 10% of minutes played by season.
Season Freshmen Total Players
2022-2023 649 3651 18%
2021-2022 701 3616 19%
2020-2021 704 3513 20%
2019-2020 814 3497 23%
2018-2019 832 3519 24%
2017-2018 797 3481 23%
2016-2017 779 3532 22%
2015-2016 813 3505 23%
2014-2015 815 3521 23%
2013-2014 759 3497 22%
@dadgumboxscores | data via barttorvik.com + toRvik