018: ACC Point Differentials

gt tables

February 26, 2023

Fetch data using hoopR

acc <-
    "North Carolina",
    "Wake Forest",
    "N.C. State",
    "Virginia Tech",
    "Georgia Tech",
    "Notre Dame",
    "Boston College",
    "Florida St.",
    "Miami FL"

acc_team <- function(id) {
  kp_team_schedule(team = id, year = 2023)

# function to get ACC games
teams_acc <- lapply(acc, acc_team)

# build table of only home conference games
acc_results_2023 <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, teams_acc)) %>%
  filter(conference_game == TRUE) %>%
  filter(!is.na(w_conference)) %>%
    full_result = str_split(result, ",", simplify = T),
    points_for = str_split(full_result[, 2], "-", simplify = T),
    fr = full_result[, 1],
    pf = points_for[, 1],
    pa = points_for[, 2]
  ) %>%
  select(game_date, game_id, team, opponent, location, fr, pf, pa) %>%
  mutate(diff = as.numeric(pf) - as.numeric(pa),
         year = 2023) %>%
  rename(result = fr,
         points_scored = pf,
         points_allowed = pa) %>%
  filter(location == "Home")

home_diff_w <-  acc_results_2023 %>%
  filter(result == "W") %>%
  group_by(team) %>%
  summarize(w_diff = sum(diff), W = n())

home_diff_l <-  acc_results_2023 %>%
  filter(result == "L") %>%
  group_by(team) %>%
  summarize(l_diff = sum(diff), L = n()) %>%
  add_row(team = "Duke", l_diff = 0, L = 0) %>%
  add_row(team = "Virginia", l_diff = 0, L = 0)

full_home <- merge(home_diff_w, home_diff_l, by = "team")

h <- full_home %>%
  mutate(pd_home = w_diff - l_diff) %>%
  select(team, W, L, pd_home) %>%
  rename(W_home = W, L_home = L)

# build table of only away conference games
acc_results_2023_away <-
  as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, teams_acc)) %>%
  filter(conference_game == TRUE) %>%
  filter(!is.na(w_conference)) %>%
    full_result = str_split(result, ",", simplify = T),
    points_for = str_split(full_result[, 2], "-", simplify = T),
    fr = full_result[, 1],
    pf = points_for[, 1],
    pa = points_for[, 2]
  ) %>%
  select(game_date, game_id, team, opponent, location, fr, pf, pa) %>%
  mutate(diff = as.numeric(pf) - as.numeric(pa),
         year = 2023) %>%
  rename(result = fr,
         points_scored = pf,
         points_allowed = pa) %>%
  filter(location == "Away")

away_diff_w <-  acc_results_2023_away %>%
  filter(result == "W") %>%
  group_by(team) %>%
  summarize(w_diff = sum(diff), W = n()) %>%
  add_row(team = "Louisville", w_diff = 0, W = 0) %>%
  add_row(team = "Georgia Tech", w_diff = 0, W = 0) %>%
  add_row(team = "Notre Dame", w_diff = 0, W = 0)

away_diff_l <-  acc_results_2023_away %>%
  filter(result == "L") %>%
  group_by(team) %>%
  summarize(l_diff = sum(diff), L = n())

full_away <- merge(away_diff_w, away_diff_l, by = "team")

away <- full_away %>%
  mutate(pd_away = w_diff - l_diff) %>%
  select(team, W, L, pd_away) %>%
  rename(W_away = W, L_away = L)

total <- merge(h, away, by = "team")

final <- total %>%
    team = case_match(
      "Florida St." ~ "Florida State",
      "N.C. State" ~ "NC State",
      "Miami FL" ~ "Miami",
      team ~ team
  ) %>%
  mutate(W = W_home + W_away,
         L = L_home + L_away,
         delta = pd_home + pd_away) %>%
  select(team, W, L, delta, W_home, L_home, pd_home, W_away, L_away, pd_away) %>%

Make gt table

the_table <- final %>%
  mutate(row_number = 1:n(), logo = team) %>%
  relocate(row_number, .before = team) %>%
  relocate(logo, .before = team) %>%
  gt() %>%
    # rename columns
    row_number = "",
    logo = "",
    team = "Team",
    delta = "+/-",
    W_home = "W",
    L_home = "L",
    pd_home = "+/-",
    W_away = "W",
    L_away = "L",
    pd_away = "+/-",
  ) %>%
  tab_spanner(label = "Home",
              columns = c(W_home, L_home, pd_home)) %>%
  tab_spanner(label = "Away",
              columns = c(W_away, L_away, pd_away)) %>%
  gt_fmt_cfb_logo(columns = "logo") %>%
    columns = c(delta, pd_home, pd_away),
    fns = function(x) {
      ifelse(x > 0, paste0("+", x), x)
  ) %>%
    columns = c(delta, pd_home, pd_away),
    colors = scales::col_numeric(
      domain = range(-210:145)
  ) %>%
  tab_header(title = "ACC: Conference Records and Point Differential through February 25 games") %>%
  tab_source_note(source_note = "@dadgumboxscores | February 26, 2023 | data via kenpom")  %>%
  gt_theme_dot_matrix() %>%
  tab_options (
    source_notes.font.size = px(10),
    row.striping.background_color = '#ffffed',
    table.font.size = px(10),
    column_labels.text_transform = 'capitalize'

ACC: Conference Records and Point Differential through February 25 games
Team W L +/- Home Away
W L +/- W L +/-
1 Miami 14 5 +142 8 1 +76 6 4 +66
2 Clemson 13 6 +119 8 1 +131 5 5 -12
3 Pittsburgh 14 4 +116 8 2 +80 6 2 +36
4 Virginia 14 5 +87 9 0 +77 5 5 +10
5 Duke 13 6 +85 10 0 +94 3 6 -9
6 North Carolina 11 8 +82 7 2 +80 4 6 +2
7 NC State 12 8 +64 8 2 +68 4 6 -4
8 Wake Forest 10 9 +30 7 3 +41 3 6 -11
9 Virginia Tech 7 12 -17 5 4 +20 2 8 -37
10 Syracuse 9 10 -45 4 5 -21 5 5 -24
11 Boston College 9 10 -83 5 4 -17 4 6 -66
12 Notre Dame 2 16 -98 2 7 -49 0 9 -49
13 Florida State 7 12 -116 3 7 -33 4 5 -83
14 Georgia Tech 5 14 -139 4 6 -83 1 8 -56
15 Georgia Tech 4 14 -159 4 6 -83 0 8 -76
16 Louisville 2 17 -227 2 8 -81 0 9 -146
@dadgumboxscores | February 26, 2023 | data via kenpom